a call for help
Honduras Hurricane Relief

The homes of coffee-growing families of the Santa Barbara mountain region have been devastated by Hurricane Eta. Severe landslides have destroyed homes and displaced families in a community already affected by the desolation of Covid-19. Many barely escaped, with no time to save any personal belongings while others are still missing.
The Honduras Relief Trio is a special set of three density separation coffees from Benjamin Miranda, David Mancia, and Porfirio Castellanos along with delicious chocolates from Seahorse & Woodblock. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to help rebuild homes and structures lost to hurricane damage.

This community is near and dear to us. We've been partnered with these hard working coffee families since 2008 and consider the coffees they produce to be a cornerstone of our coffee program. The Honduras Trio will roast and ship on December 17th. Your support means the world to us.